about me
My post-graduate education focuses largely on the highly researched world of “pain science”; essentially understanding how and why we feel pain and how we can use that knowledge to help us overcome pain, especially pain that persists. I aim to empower you on your journey towards a life in which pain plays a smaller role.
I am a graduate of the Vancouver College of Massage Therapy and recipient a 2018 Student Case Study Award granted by the Registered Massage Therapists of British Columbia (RMTBC).
My previous background includes an undergraduate degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from York University, UK and medical conference organisation at a not-for-profit society in Lausanne, Switzerland. I moved to Cranbrook from Vancouver in September of 2023.
Having lived through persistent pain in the form of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, it was a desire to help others find lasting relief from pain by facilitating the body’s innate ability to heal that motivated me to change my path to Registered Massage Therapy.
conditions treated
Massage therapy can be effective in reducing pain and dysfunction in all manner of acute and persistent conditions. I have experience providing treatment for many conditions including:
Chronic/Persistent Pain
Repetitive Strain Injury
Back pain
Generalized Muscle Tension
Sprains and strains
Tendinopathy & Tendonitis
Discomfort Related to Pregnancy
Even everyday stress!
my approach
I work to facilitate your body’s ability to heal from injury and to let go of pain that no longer serves a purpose by providing treatment and, where appropriate, education and self-care exercises designed to facilitate your recovery.
You, my patients, are some of my most valuable teachers. I approach my practice with an evidence-based mindset,
which means drawing on both quality, published research and practical, clinical experience.
It’s by listening to your experiences and ideas and by taking a collaborative approach to your healing that I abide by the principles of evidence-based practice.
massage therapy history
By definition massage therapy involves the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, connective tissue, ligaments and joints. It is one of the world’s oldest forms of healing; in fact, it shows up in medical texts dating back over 4,000 years. The existence of massage as a method to facilitate healing through the ages is testament to the value attributed it to it by civilisations ranging from “The Yellow Emperor’s” China to Ancient Greece to our own civilisation today. Though the explanation as to how and why massage therapy is effective in reducing pain and facilitating healing has evolved over the years, it remains an effective and safe method of care.

Finding tranquility in your life goes beyond luxury; there are known therapeutic benefits to bringing your body out of a fight-or-flight state and into its rest-and-digest state. Most chronic diseases are exacerbated by stress and we know that persistent pain is influenced by how much stress we feel.